Moceri,J (865) - Prong,C (1798)
Brand New Day Cafe, 02.16.2006
Sicilian Defense: Counter Attack Variation [B40]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.Bb5
This move begs black to play a6. Then the bishop has to retreat to e2.
3...a6 4.Ba4?
This move guarantees the loss of the bishop for a pawn or two.
4...b5 5.Bb3 c4 6.Nd4
You can't attack with just one piece. White needs to develop some other pieces. Castling, Nc3 and d3 are all better moves.
Probably should have taken the bishop right away to prevent an isolated a-pawn. 7.Nf3 Nc6 8.d4 exd4 9.Nxd4 Bb7
Taking on d4 would have centralized the white queen. Now if white takes on c6, then black will have his bishop targeting the e4 pawn and controlling the long a8-h1 diagonal. The rule of thumb here is that when trading material... the person who captures last generally will gain tempo.
10.0-0 Qf6 11.c3 Nxd4 12.Qxd4 Qxd4 13.cxd4
In this case white doesn't really gain a tempo so much as a full pawn center. 13...cxb3 14.Re1
Chris didn't want to double his queenside pawns.
However, I noticed that if the white rook was on a2, then it would have to waste a tempo to get back to an active square. This assumes that I was going to prevent him from any activity along the a-file.
15.Rxa2 Bb4 16.Re3 Rc8 17.Rc3?
Chris said he hadn't realized that he could play Nc3 and avoid the loss of the exchange. Clearly he was afraid of a possible back rank mate threat.
17...Bxc3 18.Nxc3 Ne7 19.Bf4 Ng6
Fritz likes the knight on c6 better because it hits the d4 pawn. However, I didn't like the fact that it blocked my bishop.
20.Be3 0-0 21.Ra1 Rfe8 22.f3
After this move I had difficulty recognizing what the correct plan was. I figured I would double the rooks on the c-file and then drive the knight away with b4. 22...Rc4 23.d5 b4
I really dont know why i didnt double the rooks first.
24.Na4 Bxd5
This is good, if not for the weakness of the b6 square.
25.Nb6 Be6 26.Rxa6
White needed to win back the exchange here with Nxc4.
26...Rc2 27.Na4 Ne5
I missed the idea of Nh4 forking the pawns on g2 and f3. Black will win one of them with this idea.
28.Ra7 Nd3 29.h3 Rec8 30.Nb6 Nxb2
This idea is clearly inferior to simply moving the rook. However, I saw the passed pawn on the b-file would queen on a dark square, and the bishop would be of no help in preventing the pawn from queening.
31.Nxc8 Rxc8 32.Rb7 b3 33.Kh2
I thought it was probably time for a king move, but the king has to move toward the passed pawn to help prevent promotion.
33...Nd1 34.Bd4 h6
Not a necessary prophylactic move, but it does prevent back rank mates. Furthermore, black has time.
35.f4 g6
I played this move to prevent the loss of the d-pawn and to allow the bishop to remain posted on e6.
36.Kg3 f5 37.exf5 gxf5 38.Kh4 Kh7 39.Kh5 Nc3 40.g4 Ne2 41.Bf6 fxg4 42.hxg4
Allowing a forced mate.
42...Rc1 43.g5 Rh1# 0-1